Saturday, January 28, 2012

Treadmills are misleading

I'm almost done with my first three weeks of training for the quarter marathon at the end of March, and so far it's gone pretty well. I haven't missed a workout, and I've done the required distances, even though I always have to walk for a little while. Since it's so cold outside (and gets dark so early), most of my workouts have been on the treadmill at the gym, and I thought I was getting pretty good.

But today it's 40 degrees and sunny: a perfect day for running outside. So I laced up my running shoes, mapped out a route to West Hartford Center and back (which is just over 3 miles total) and set out. It was the most discouraging run I've had because I had to stop and walk so often. I maybe ended up running half the distance and walking the rest. It makes me feel totally unprepared and behind.

Of course, I should put this in perspective and try not to let it get me down. First off, it's 40 degrees outside, which is much rougher on the lungs than the 70+ degree air in a gym. Second, the route to Blue Back is VERY hilly, and even a little incline makes it so much harder to keep up the pace. Along with that, treadmills always help you a long a little bit, because the ground moves itself under your feet. Outside running is always harder. Finally, it's been three weeks. Cut yourself some slack, Liz; three weeks ago, you hadn't run at all in three months, and now you expect to run three miles over hill and dale with no trouble?

That's my rant/personal pep talk of the day. The end.


  1. cut yourself some slack!! remember our first run together last year at the reservoir?? you've come ago far!!!
