Sorry guys, still no pictures...they're on Andrew's camera and I haven't had the chance to get them from him. Andrew, if you're reading this, SEND ME PICTURES. :P
So Monday morning I sparked Natalie and told her I needed a maintenance plan so that I would continue to have a schedule and actually keep up my workouts. She asked me what my goals were, and what I wanted to ultimately accomplish, and I told her I wanted to actually run an entire 5k, and maybe to do longer races later. So now I'm doing a 5k on May 7 (the day before Mothers Day) and a 5 mile race on June 19 (Fathers Day). The one on May 7 is a fundraiser for breast cancer, and if you would like to help me reach my fundraising goal, you can go to my personal page at Andrew, if you're reading this, DONATE. :P
So my running schedule has a lot of constant runs, starting with 3-3.5 miles this week all the way up to 6-6.5 miles a few weeks before the 5 mile run. I can't really describe just how intimidated I am by the last few weeks of my schedule, but when I think about how much I accomplished in 5 weeks, 2 months seems like plenty of time (sort of). On Monday I jogged 2 miles straight, then conditioning Tuesday. My right ankle has been bugging me since the 5k last Saturday, so I decided to rest and ice it for two days. Then on Friday I did 4 miles (FOUR MILES) jogging for 4 min. and walking for 1 min. I only had to rest for 1.5 min. twice and 2 min. once, and I made it through the whole thing. FOUR MILES. Saturday was a conditioning day, and then Sunday I tried for 3 miles, though I had to stop and walk several times so I didn't make it constantly running. But it's a good start.
My aunt Charlene and cousin Tonya were here this weekend, and I was sleeping on my sofa bed, so today I'm just kind of wiped out. And I asked Natalie about my ankle, and she said I should switch out a few runs with swimming this week, so that will start tomorrow probably. For some reason I feel really guilty or lazy or something about not doing a workout today, but when you think about it I've worked out 5 out of the last 7 days, and the total distance was something like 11-12 miles total. I should deserve a break, right? If only to catch up on sleep and let my body chill out for a day? Maybe I'm just rationalizing, but hopefully I can jump right back into it tomorrow, either conditioning or swimming, maybe in the morning.
So that's my long-winded update...wish me luck, donate to my May 7 5k if you want to, and look forward to pictures of my April 9 5k eventually. :D Love you all!
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