Somehow, 10 minutes later, I had been talked into training for a 5k and already registered for one in Bloomfield, CT, on April 9.
You have to understand that I have never been able to keep to a workout schedule in my life. I have always been fairly good at watching what I eat when I want to lose weight, but I am TERRIBLE at adding exercise. So just trying to go to the gym a few times a week seemed a little daunting, not to mention running 3.1 miles in a row. I think the longest I've run before is, oh, 300 feet or so.
But I digress. The gist of the story is, I have 6 1/2 weeks to get myself into shape. I don't have any time goals set, I just want to have the endurance to run (not walk) the entire 5k without stopping. Natalie has been kind enough to make me a detailed workout calendar, which I'm much more likely to stick to than just a general "I should go to the gym sometime." If you're curious, here is this week's assignment:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - Sunday, February 27, 2011
To Do 3 Times This Week:
- 10 push-ups
- 25 stomach crunches
- 20 jumping jacks
- 10 lunges with each leg
- Run in place for 30 seconds
- March in place for 30 seconds
- Rest for 30 seconds (drink some water)
- Repeat this circuit twice, for a total of 3 times
I did my first workout Tuesday night. I was a little winded at the end, but it seemed totally doable, and yesterday I wasn't in that much pain when I woke up. "Piece of cake," my foolish brain thought. But as the day went on, my muscles started whining, and so tonight I have my first workout after my first workout, which will be rough.
I'll keep you posted.
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