Andy, Charity, me and Steph getting psyched for the race!
The crowd at the starting line
Off we go!
Natalie made me a sign!!!
Andy and Charity stayed with me almost the whole way, and then sprinted toward the end. Andy=annoyingly triumphant. Charity=adorably exhausted.
I'm soooooooooo tired at this point. Steph and Nat had to do some serious cheering for me to be jogging still.
A triumphant finish!
Congrats all around
My face is the same color as my shirt at this point.
Natalie made me do these leg stretches, and Andrew took like 10 pictures. Thanks, dude.
That's right. Andy muscled his way into my race two days before, and he got an award. You're welcome, Andy. :P
That's it for last time, but I'll check back in after tomorrow's race! Feeling a little nervous because I was out all last week since I was sick, so we'll see if I can beat my time, or at least keep it about the same.